The procedure varies state to state. You could be in a huge mess or a manageable one.
Check the state's website for the straight info.

Some have bonded titles. If you have access to the titled owner, they can often make things easier even if they lost the title. If you belong to AAA, ask them. Also ask any local registration services. They may try to scare some business out of you, or tell you it's easy and then have problems later. The state site is the real stuff. Problem is, it's written by lawyers and bureaucrats. It is a good idea to print out and submit all the forms from the site. They like to see all the stuff they deal with all day. Also try to have a good grasp of what you need and have it all or as much as possible. Make sure you don't start a paper trail you are unable to finish!

Only use a "title service" or buy a "historic document" as a real last resort. Most states are onto this little game of footsie, and it can bite you hard!

Always do this before you buy a car without a title (this is for everyone else reading, too late for you), it's often a great bargaining chip and you will know what hoops you face.

There is at least a thread a month over on the HAMB on this issue, and still people buy stuff without a title or any knowledge of how to get one. Know the laws and what you face before buying!

Last edited by RodStRace; 05/10/10 09:29 PM.