
Thanks everyone I wish I was 50 and BGR was a new group.Thanks to brother Tony for the art work on the shirts,we duplicated the original drawing he did on the first shirts that started the whole BGR thing.We grew up on the family farm and I was the last of 15 children of parents that were first generation immigrants.We learned early how to work hard and survive.All my older brothers were into "fast cars".Tony started it all by hopping up a 50 Dodge coupe which I inherited from him as he progressed to newer and faster cars.Not old enough for a licence I was religated to just working on the cars and wrenching for the brothers on many of their cars including a pair of gold and white 57 Dodge D-500 Hemis that they raced.Word spread throughout the thriving hamlet of 84,Pa. and soon not only was I the chief wrench for the George clan,I was known through the county as the guy who could fix anything mechanical.All the local farmers brought me their tractors,balers,combines and other impliments to repair as well as all the local hot rodders.It became almost a business and was frowned upon by some of the older family members that felt I was neglecting my farm chores.I kept my exposure limited to them buy keeping my little enterprize lowkey and away from their view in a place where those lazy ones would never venture,"out behind the hogpen".I owe a debt of gratitude to my brother Tony for all his encouragement to help me realize and start my journey on a dream fantasy trip through life.Tony benifited also,he has had and still does have big Mopars wedges and hemis that have been wrenched and tune by his little brother Thanks Tony,Thanks everyone

Congrats Bob!
Great story, and thanks for sharing.