
I have a low compression mid 70's 440 too. With the right cam, a set of exhaust headers and some time spent tuning, it can perform well. Mine has no trouble lighting up the tires and putting on a good show. [/quo

Thanks bro , i think the same , this 440 must be work hard (correct me if i wrong) the difference betwen the 440 early 70's and the last 440 are: in this last, the combustion chamber is more great (have less comprecion) and the early 70 works with a 10.5 (aprox) ,,because like say here: the head have "heart chamber" and must be have a more agresive camshaft
I think the ports of the head was have reduced, and change the camshaft too
more the gas without lead made the 440 reduced his HP...
well this is my theory... but with less changes this 440 must work very hard
afterall is a MOPAR
saludos cabrones