I am building a 68 Hemi Barracuda S/S clone - trying to make this one have the look and feel of an old S/S car. I am using a dummy block, modified K-Frame(I have tried 2 mfgs) w/ stock brackets, stock motormounts (w/ rubber)and the Milodon Dual Line oiling system. I tried installing the dummy block and found out that the pump will not fit - it hits the bracket. Not just a little - if I have to cut it - It will have to be cut all the way back to the rubber mount. If I grind down the bracket the stud/nut that holds the bracket to the mount hits - I have not even gotten to the rear facing line yet - this will also be a problem. Looking at old articles on the Dual Line system - it appears that the rear facing line was originally smaller than they are now with an angled fitting. Should I be using a standard pump for more clearance with the Milodon plate and pump cover? I know that most of the S/S racers of the day used this set-up - and I have a ton of photos of these cars but with the black engine compartments it is hard to see what was done. I spoke with a couple of the old racers and they said they cut back the bracket and didn't use the rubber mount (went solid - not 100% sure how they did this - possibly cutting off the rubber mount and welding/bolting a solid peice to the mount?) and used a torque strap on the drivers side. I am sure that there was an update from Chrysler describing how to do this back in 68-9 If anyone has one -I would love to see it. I don't want to hear -use elephant ears or a motor plate - it ain't happening. This is going to be a 4-speed car and yes it will make it's fair share of passes down the quarter mile. I think I have a good idea what I have to do but before I start grinding & cutting, I was hoping someone had some experience or photos of what has to be done. Bob, Fred I think you guys have had some experience with this?
Mark J