62maxwgn thats the same DC book I got recently. yeah is a BUNCH of great info, but honestly is a little bit hard to get the info from. Have to jump here, there, all around the pages. Recently got some more info from it at MOPAR BRACKET RACE SCIENCE ( bulletin 40 ), but actually is already outdated with newer MP parts on market. You can find info about TURBO ACTION TCs, Hemi gring camshaft and stuff like that is not anymore around

Needs an update.

You search on several brands and they have a recomended matching line betwen their products. MP catalogs only has some "light suggestions" about specs, and not really their line match up recomendations. Beside that some specs are not completelly true ( like duration .050 cam spec ) what makes the specs recomended by DC/MP could it be unmatched with what you get from several performance brands products around. I am already set on the build I will go, but had to search a lot on info around, questions and answers coming and going. Lot of answers are not more that subjetive opinions what finds lot of counteropinions due lot of miss info about.

Maybe the newer books ( posted from mancini ) are more toward to match DIRECTLY parts between them ?... I can't buy them right now.

I'm still wondering if the "mopar bible" mentioned is one of the newer books ?

With a Charger born in Chrysler assembly plant in Valencia, Venezuela