Dave-You AH guys sure like working on your stuff. I am far to lazy to have to do that every weekend. But your hard work paid a dividend as you guys did pick up a bunch.

Don and the emery board, well enough said there

Bill I missed your call. Just saw the voice mail last night. Give me a shout sometime.

Leigh, ya I was holding I wish

Dont get me wrong. We still had fun, just had a lot of work mixed in with it. My car is not fast enough to have to work on it this much. But I was not alone as we had three no shows for first round. My opponent had a broken drive unit. Vettel's Stratus had a cylinder issue, I think they said it lifted a ring land they thought, and there was a beautiful Cuda that had a head gasket issue. Back to S/ST where I belong

"I am not ashamed to confess I am ignorant of what I do not know."

"It's never wrong to do the right thing"