okay, here is my problem, i have 440, 1973 motor home 440, i bought the engine from a friend, the engine has not been rebuilt, however some new things have been added, on the rear main seal, the top seal is still the old rope seal and the bottom is the new neroperne seal, it leak when i cranked up the car, the motor is still in the car, i have the oil pan off, i have the real main seal retainer cap off, the problem i have, i have gotten most of the old rope seal pushed out of the top, however there are some pieces stuck in the slot where i need to slide the new seal into place, is there any tricks in getting all the old seal out of slot, i have pushed wire rods up and and over, however i have been unsuccessful in getting all the seal out, i have went and bought some small parts bushes to stick in the slot, is there something i can spray in the slot to disolve the old seal?