


Question where and when was the picture taken of the 64 w/ Mosley on the side taken. Frank Lupo still has the Strickler-Jenkins 64 Dodge

That was taken at Bristol in about 78 or 79. The car was bought from Vernon Rowley with a 4 speed in it. Ran it that way for a while until Dave Wren served us our lunch at Indy. Decided he was to fast and all the broken parts made an automatic look real good. The car is still around although not running in super stock any more. I ran into the owner at the All Hemi Reunion by accident. What a find.

if that is the same car that terry thurman had it got wrecked at norwalk.

Terry Thurmans car was not an orginal. (see attachment)
It was built by Dave Mosley, raced and sold to Larry Riffe it then went to several owners before Tank Crosswhite helped find it for Terry. The fenders and hood came from a Max Wedge I bought from Loren Zeedyke. The hood scoop came in a parts trade from Frank Madden. We made the grill. Terry knew the history of the car. The car in the above photo was an orginal. It went from Mosley to Mike Addington who then sold it to Jimbo Roberts, both from Ashalnd, Ky. then to Englehart to the present owner, also in Kentucky.

5883687-terrythurman.bmp (787 downloads)