What are the schools of thought concerning the space between the bottom of the scoop and the top of carb. In one of the Mopar books, they show the "bauman" scoop and show .50"-.75" from the bottom of the scoop to the top of the carbs, I just didn't know if that same logic would apply to the hilborn style scoop. I was thinking of putting some spacers to increase the distance say an 1"-1.5", sort of like a mini velocity stack. This should also help get the scoop up further into the "good air" zone. I noticed the air bells are 1.75" high.

'75 Plymouth Duster
Phase I 451 906/590/2-660 10.75/126
Phase II 451 Stage VI/590/1050 9.82/135
Phase III 383 906/Victor-Pump gas 11.30/119

"For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God,"