As long as it puts Rich Cristiansen in the unemployment line , I'm O.K. with it.
Relax , that was just sarcasm.
I was not surprised in the least by the " power that be " chiming in with his arrogant dismissal of an opinion that would run counter to the party line at Glendora.
I spent a lot of years donating to the management and the Pro classes as a member and a spectator.
And begrudgingly , will again when the car is done.
In my opinion , they have lost touch with the backbone of the sport , they take us " little guys " for granted and care less about the long term of the sport than they do the next quarter's financials.
That works when you are the only game in town........for a while.
They will use people with faces for T.V. and single digit I.Q.'s to star , and boot licking yes people to produce the new shows if they stay true to form.
Or they might surprise me and actually have some in depth , informative and entertaining programs , made by people who have strong car backgrounds and actually know what they are presenting.
And I could also win the lottery.