Not sure what to do to fix this,,,,would appreciate any comments,,,see pic below.

This is on a 65 Plymouth, Caltracs.

I want to be able to run the bar in the upper hole,,,but the bracket/hanger wont allow it,,, ( see pic ) The bar will not sit flush in the upper hole,,,and is running into a portion of the hanger/bracket

I noticed there are "3" holes in the bracket,,,,, Are these 3 holes for "height" adjustment only ??,,,************, This is where it was set up when i got the car,,,,,

If i drop the caltrac/triangle into the bottom hole of the bracket,,,,i should have more clearance,,,BUT,,,,,Not sure if i have enough material to work with ,,, these brackets dont look super sturdy to me.

If i leave the caltrac/triangle where it is ( middle hole of the bracket),,,,i suppose i could shave the bracket some to allow more clearance to move the bar to the upper hole........??

I DONT want to raise the ride height any,,,the car sits a bit too high in the rear now with 1" over stock springs.....(again, i think putting the caltrac/triangle in the bottom hole of the bracket,,will raise the ride height ???? )

What do you guys think of just shaving some material off the bottom portion of the bracket,,,,to allow me not to bind when i put the caltrac bar in the upper hole ( see modified pic below ) ( do i need that bottom hole in the braket/hanger ? )

sorry for the long winded question....
