


I still cant believe he sold it after having that it that long and sold it after acouple passes on it at Milan..


Very Simple......got in a little over my head with it, money wise during the 10.5 transformation.....tack that on to some other household debt, & slow work at the time & Viola!! I wanted to eliminate the debt, so the car got sold.......Paid the debt, put the rest in the bank & that's that. I was stupid, plain & simple.


Your car was top notch. I would miss it also...

But as what you staed that you had to do what needed to be done. I don't think you were stupid..I think you have your priorities straight.

Can't wait to see a new project from you man

Having the priorities straight is something I can relate w/. Thats why I sold mine off too. I'd still love to hear the followup stories on the Challenger though. We need to see some updated pics of it. I miss seeing it.

When you decide to quit, THAT is the moment when you would've succeeded..