
2009 is winding down, and it will be the first year since 1991 that I have not made a pass down the 1/4 mile. It was a good run. Expenses, rules, family activities have left the car in the trailer. I'm now officially a "keyboard" racer

How do you feel inside about this? Are you sad or is it alright? I walked away from drag racing discusted with NHRA and its politics with the sportsamn racers and "stock" rules changes in 1988, I came back after a while It is okay to take a break or even quit, if you want to There is more to life than drag racing, there is Bonniville LOL, Just kidding I did take up flying after quitting the first time, that is real expensive and it is not a lot of fun Great way to get somewhere quick when you want to, 45 minutes of flying versus 3+hrs of driving for me to go to Las Vegas from Hesperia,CA. Last question, will we see you racing at the MATS race I certianly hope so

Mr.Cab Racing and winning with Mopars since 1964. (Old F--t, Huh)