
If you set your carb lean and add hydrogen of course you will go farther. It is NOT better fuel mileage because you had to add fuel

So you really don't know what you're talking about then !!!

When you run hydrogen you don't change the carb or injection setup, you just add the hydrogen and oxygen to the mix. The hydrogen burns at a much higher temp and ignites what would otherwise be unburned gasoline. It is not the hydrogen that adds the power and economy, but the complete combustion of the fuel charge.

Yes, it takes power to create the electricity to generate hydrogen BUT the power obtained from the otherwise unburned fuel is greater than that required to produce the hydrogen.

So you're not getting nothing for nothing, you're just getting full use of what you already paid for instead of spewing it out the tailpipe.

The complete combustion also reduces emissions which means your catcon lasts longer.