Big shout out to Alex, B1KILLER who's help was invalueable this weekend!! I couldn't of done it without you man!!

Although I did not win I did accomplish what I went there to do. That was to qualify for the 8 car field, and I did it on motor only!! I was #6 as of yesterday with one qualifier left today. They let more cars in the field today which was not right and it almost bit me. I had to lift on both my qualifiers as car went hard left but I managed a 5.012 on last nights aborted run for #8 spot today!!

Of course #8 ain't so great cause you get to run #1 in first round The wheeliebar adjustment was almost perfect went down broadway ran 4.89 @ 140+ for the loss.

All in all I had a great time and came home with more $ then I left with and no broke parts!!