
As Rick mentioned, I think you are confusing filler with the color of paint we left on the car. There were 7-8 layers of primer and paint. The only areas we took all the way to metal were the hood and roof. Other areas we got down to smooth paint and left it. The only filler we have used was on the roof, hood, and Frankenstein driver's fender...and it was only used to cover welds. The lower rear quarters also have patches welded in, so there's a little filler there too. There's less than 1/16" in the deepest areas. The rest of the car is straight and rust free. The only rust we did find, Rick filled with lead instead of plastic...did a damn fine job too, I must say. In the days we have spent, there were some surprises we uncovered when we began stripping. Those surprises have been addressed and we're no worse for the wear.

Thanks all for the encouraging comments. Hopefully by March we'll have it in paint. I know my daughter is getting excited seeing it all in primer now. I have more plans for it than my wallet can handle, so little by little it will be taken care of. No front end parts yet...