
What can, or is being done to prevent this? I hear people are using counters, traction control, lasers? What do racers do to protect themselves or to levcel the playing field? I am just starting to be frustrated with the big money reaces, and would like to hear some opinions. Especially you geys on the East coast.

There is not much that can be done,it goes on in every sport.The attitude"it ain't cheating,till you get caught" is the norm.And with some of the sophisticated techonology it is hard to find.The tech inspectors have a difficult time finding and proving anything.So until there is obvious infractions that can be seen and proven some will have an advantage.In the words of the great"Smokey Yunick"Streatching the rules to the maximum is not cheating" Smokey was also the guy that made the template for NASCAR to fit his altered body lines of his Chevelle,embarrassing all of NASCAR officials.Then there was the mopar guys,oh never mind.