

If you want the best,Rage Extreme by Evercoat,second down Rage Gold,third Rage or Z-Grip

Please explain why one is better than the other?

While all 3 are much better products than most of the fillers on the market, each is aimed at the buyer, some people prefer to spend $15 on a can of crap bondo, and more time chasing pinholes, or airpockets, and 1000 sheets of sandpaper, rather than spending $50-$75 for a lightweight quality product, that sands like "butter", dosen't shrink as much as the "economy" stuff, or won't stain a light colored paint after a few years, or sink...

A quality product, applied properly will yeild professional results, poor prep, and "economy" products will yeild poor results and finish,.....it basically boils down to wanting something to last,....how many times you hear a guy say just after a few years of having a car done, "I/m going to repaint it", or "Redo it",....it's usually because of poor prep, and/or "economy" products,.....when I do a car, wether for me or a customer, I only want to "visit" it once, and move on to another project, rather than contemplate a "redo" years down the road
