First of all there is no accurate restoration book when it comes to Mopars, a couple of the better ones are only good/accurate enough to be useful as general guide to get you started, and some of them aren't even good enough for that!

I have personally seen factory installed torque boxes on every E-body combo the factory built. I'm sure not all of them were intentional, chalked up as factory mistakes etc. (example /6 hard top with TB's) but it happened.

Now, based on what I have seen multiple examples of (which makes one conclude that it wasn't a mistake, but rather and intentional install) E-body cars with the following engine combos "should" have recieved them:

All Hemis, all 440 Six Packs, any 440, 340 or other HP big block 4 speed combo, all AAR/TA cars, and all convertibles. I think I'd add any axle package car to that list as well.