I'm for ever up dating mine - based on what I broke the last time out- or what I needed and didn't bring. When you make up your list, keep these things in mind. The last place you want to work on your car is at the track, so only take tools that will get you out of the "trick bag" so to speak. I find that if I go to T&T, I can only deal with about 2 things that I may want to try. If I want to mess with the timing, I take the timing light. If I want to try some jet changes, I take the "carb box" - has everything in it that I would need to work on my carb. Otherwise, that stuff stays at home. Based on my notes from the last time out ( on the check list ) I will usually make one change to the car at home before I leave. This of course, only applies to my local track - 60 miles from home. If you are going to a major event that is a long distance and multiple days, you will need to add to your basic list. It's always a crap shoot, but with out a list so I can check stuff off, I would forget my helmet - and head if it wasn't attached.

Fastest 300