
I am willing to take on both of my smack talking sons in a small side race at Norwalk. need some ideas from you all on how to do it. with out interrupting the CC event. I was thinking, Best reaction time from second time run gives you bye run to final. dial in on lower part of back window and race each others time slips? the rules will be made before the race, 125.00 entry winner take all! I have a contigency donor already as Rick Gorsky from Fire Core Wires has offered up a set of custom made wires to the winner! Thanks Rick. any other ideas

Interrupt this is entertainment. Since I cut out the Sunday time trail so I can make it home by 2 on sunday we could do this after the race that way you will have your cars dialed in and I can still get home by 3. That was much needed fun right there.
Larry since you and your family have supprted us the Greedy Blankenships from jump street I see only one way to take care of this. With a lot of Smack Talk on the PA so everbody will know that this is about and Side by side drag races with dial-ins and staging duals the whole works. I am thinking Saturday evening sometime maybe after lonnie wins his 3 10 O Championship mybe before. We will figure it out. This is going to be good. I think I can hear Lonnie already. Also can't wait to hear how people will twist some of my words from this post. Maybe I should charge people extra to watch this