
Over a period of 3 yrs, we ended up equipping 3 cars with Hemi 6 pak inductions,........IMHO the 6 pak induction is a quicker responding system than the 2X4's, has a better fuel distribution thru out the engine, delivers better fuel economy, up to 16 MPG on a 472 crate Hemi, with 4:10's,....granted the car was also equiped with a .68 Keisler OD 5 spd,.....although we never had a "shootout" with a 2X4 equipped Hemi, ....Topend dominance might have gone to the 2X4 set up, ...but the 6 bbl inductions that I created were very responsive, and reliable, and performance, I felt was on par, if not better on the street with the 6 pak induction,....all the inductions created were vacummm operated, no mechanicals, but IMHO the 6 bbls were a lot more responsive to "tuning" than a 2X4, and once dialed in, stayed dailed in

That's all good input, and while the six pack being better is plausable, it's still just seat of the pants guessing, you really can't say one is better than the other without some real world heads up comparisons and dyno testing.