Last night I was talking to Larry Griffith, and he is looking at starting a match race series similar to how the Coca-Cola Cavalcade of Stars used to be using the new Challenger, Mustangs, and Camaros. Everything is just in the planning stage now, but he asked me to see if there would be any interest. In the beginning, Larry was saying that the vehicles would conform to A/Stock rules, and the only changes that might be made would be to add weight to one of the makes if they start to run away with all the wins.

He is very serious about starting this, and has been in contact with a couple of people at Ford along with the people he knows that are running the Challengers. As far as where the races would take place, I think it depends on where the interest lays, I'm pretty sure he has already has talked to some of the track owners he knows. I would think it might start out at some of the tracks that the UDRA used to race at in the mid to late 90's, and grow from there if there's enough interest. We're open to any suggestions that people would have regarding the rules and any other ideas that you guys might have to make this series as exciting as they used to be in the late 60's and early 70's.

Let me know what you guy's think about this... I think it would be a pretty cool idea, and might help bring back a little of the grass root excitement that the sport used to have.
So, give me your ideas on this...

Thanks everyone,