Not an a/c blower either.....
I am knocking around the idea of putting a blower on my 440 truck project, but I do not know much about them. I do know that the engine has to be near stock compression....right??
But like I said, I don't know much about them and around my area you don't see many at all. But the few that you do see around here never seem to run good. For instance, I saw one at a show yesterday and it was loading up, and smoking everywhere.......I felt sorry for the guy driving it because I knew he was getting upset.....and I remember another instance where a 48 Chevy truck with a blower was being run across an auction block at a sale I was at one time, they ended up having to push him across the, those few examples being said............are these things streetable as a weekend cruiser that would only be driven once or twice a month?
And fill me in on the details, since this blower would be on a 440 in a truck, I want it to stick way up out of the do I do that?