

Would'nt the weatherstation change with the amount of cars in the lane? More cars running and as the day goes by there's less?

I usually walk up near the line and take the reading
and check the wind then go back and write it on....
the unit I have doesnt have a wind meter so I check the
flags for speed and direction then based my Tag reading
adjust it for wind

Racerv351 Yes it would change it.When you have a hundred cars producing heat in the line of course it will affect it. The closer to the line the more the temp goes up, but leaving it changes.A easy way to find out is to take a reading at the line and then down track and see if its the same.It will not be the same.

Mr P You leave in bad air and it gets better and it would be the same air as your trailer reading if you have a fan in your unit which I believe the Tag does.Take a reading from your trailer and the track and see if its the same as the line,or staging lanes.If your dialing in from the line I will guarntee you will be more consistant from the trailer.Give it a shot and if Iam wrong come on here and tell me so.