

Spartacus is a local car to me. Ran alot at Great Lakes. I read somewhere that the Owner passed recently. Then this past spring, I met the "Son Of Spartacus at Jefferson. He said his Dad (Spartacus) was still at it. He was swapping some parts there and had some items from both cars. (Memory is vague, but I beleive his name was Chris?)

Anyway, both cars got some ink a number of years ago. IIRC correctly, Spartacus was a hemi and son of spartacus was a wedge. Thanks for the pic, I have been looking for some of those cars for some time. I remember going out to Da Grove and watching them run in the 80'-90's.

Son of Spartacus, if your on the board give a shout out!

I used to care but....... things have changed