no i dont buy everything from year one. but i guess theres a reason there so damn huge!!! u can get almost everything, u do pay a premium for that convenience, but if you have a big order, u get 25 % off and then i have found they are actually less expensive than practically everbody else, but that only works on big orders. tried to return stuff to other companies and they wont. year one will take a dollar part back 8 years later, give you a refund and not even ask a question. Luckily, they exist but i see your point too. but did u really need to blast me for giving my opinion to a guy who asked for it, couldnt you just give yours as well. no one on this site in 8 yrs actually is really trying to help and answer needed questions. u answered a question for me today and i thank you for that. ur one of the exceptions. it seems either no one has the info or noone wants to be bothered to answer anyone. i have several questions posted and will never get an answer, which will make it 40 questions in 8 yrs noone knew the answer too. oh well, its a fun place to waste time typing and get blasted for an opinion. thanks though.