
Sorry, John. You know how I feel about Jim Soper's workmanship and time frame for getting things completed. If they ever do get completed. Soper's Paint and Fabrication is one shop I would not recommend to have any work done!

Oh, I understand & to a point could even agree on some things. BUT HERE"S THE THING: every poster here could cite a shop (engine, chassis, whatever) that they're not happy with. There's a machine shop nearby you couldn't pay me to take my stuff to. That doesn't necessisarily mean he's bad--- I just don't like the work, business practices, whatever. Actually you use this particular shop, as a matter of fact, so you see it's all a matter of opinion. The OP was simply asking for a chassis shop in Phoenix and is entitled to get input from those of us here. If evreyone agreed on every shop it'd be more boring tha watching S/G or S/C racing! Given what some places charge & how some are no faster in delivering I just don't think Jim was any better or worse than alot out there.