is a VERY future plan, since I'm working now on KB240s piston setup. I want to go step by step, beside the fact I got everything BEFORE get this crank ( FOR FREE BTW )

I would use the same pieces I have now... my actual 400 damper, already counterweights on TC, and rods... well just if I get some 440s dirty cheap will use them, but being will be hard LOCALLY, use my existant 400 rods is actually on plans... yes I know, rod ratio and everything about rods weight, but as stated is STREET and on the other side, pistons will be with longer skirts.

I have been adviced about use just forged crank to make this, but REALLY I'm not thinking on race ( ever ). I get scared at high speeds, but likes to feel the WOT sensation quite often, that's why I KNOW FOR SURE I won't race. I don't consider myself a pilot, and I'm very respectfull with speeds, specially on an American Car.

With a Charger born in Chrysler assembly plant in Valencia, Venezuela