
Remember to use distilled water with that coolant and it will help prevent mineral deposits and it is cheapo. The good Robert Shaw type thermostats have been tough to find --guess they are no longer--Mopar Perf had them but I noticed they changed over to the cheapos for that same part # Mopar RV engines always had a notice about using that good stat with a warning about over heating if you did not FWIW--I have more trouble out of thermostats these days than ever before--I check new ones before installing--lots of good threads here in the past about not drilling the little hole or for sure not making it very big--

Milodon still sells the good thermostats. It seems that is the source people using now.

Since you live in Houston, I'd dump the antifreeze and run distilled water and a good cooling additive. You don't need antifreeze in Houston.

Here's a very good test showing water and Justice Brothers addititve decreased temps 15 degrees, 8%, over 50/50 antifreeze.

Read this: http://www.turbomagazine.com/features/0703_turp_cooling_system_additives/test_results.html