
Excellent guys! I changed the stud location and now it operates the carb as it should as I have it installed in this pic!

But what about the extra parts that are on the green piece of paper? Do I even need them since the cable is working properly now?

That cable hold down on the bracket doesnt clamp down on the cable very tight at all.. but the cable doesnt move anywhere so I dont see the worry in that.

Looks like a good start there. But if ou want to put this issue to bed get the lokar cable mounting kit that bolts to the left rear carb stud that is listed on summit as a related part to the cable. And of course get a lokar cable for the trans kickdown (which bolts to the same bracket alongside it). Then you will have your clamping and geometry all done up right, and you will not have to worry about trying to jimmyrig it with the factory cable bracket.