Question: how long will it record? or is there a timeout, and this being the reason for more sessions than runs?

Answer: Go Here for Answer How Long

Up to 64 sessions can be stored in the box. After historical data is logged, it must be uploaded from the QwikData box to the PC before it can be viewed. Make sure the QwikData box is powered up and connected to your PC. Select “Upload Data” from “File” menu.

The system will first upload the setup information. It will then determine how many data sessions there are (Every time the start/stop criteria are met, a new data session is created.). A standard Windows File Save Dialog box will then open. Choose where the data will be stored and a file name. If there are multiple sessions, the system will automatically append a unique 2-digit number to the file name.

Question: how do you erase or delete all the historical or old data? this was used on another car before. we went thru the steps to set it up on his car but it still shows all the old data in the historical data.

Answer: Once Data is uploaded, you can clear the memory by selecting “Download Setup” from the “Setup” menu or by clicking on the “Erase Memory” button on the realtime graph display.

Note: If the memory is not cleared, new data will simply be appended to the old. The next time you “Upload” you may then have some duplicated data.

Question: we can show all data in word format or graph, which word format is way over our illiterate heads, lol. I pull all data from the historical data from the toolbar. Is this the right way to do it?

Answer: Use the Qwikdata program to view your data (graphs). If you want to analyze further use the “export the data to .txt” and open the file with Microsoft Excel… then format the columns that have the scientific format to number with two decimal places.

Question: when uploading to your laptops, does it take forever.

Answer: It depends on speed of the computer and speed of the connection. Other variables are the length of data recorded per session and how the data was set to be recorded (this is done at setup).

Hope this answers your questions.

If it ain't broke fix it anyway!