


It ALL depends on WHERE you race?? Track,your done!! Street,you have a chance!!


I'd think it would be the other way around. Street = terrible traction. either way I don't think you have enough, even if you were in an A-body you'd have an uphill battle. What's your car weigh? 3600-3800? that's a lot of weight for a 340 to move out

depends on the street...seen some RWD cars hook like crazy on the street, now the question is...Do you really need to beat this kid? If you can go to the track sometime he is running and see how he drives and what the car runs, then see what yours runs if you dont know already. If he is faster get some gears, tire, and some other items that were suggested. Oh and if you have full interior, spare, and other things...it can always come out to save a little wieght

Goodluck, hope you teach him that 40 year old technology can still hang