I just changed a 160 to a 180 in the 440 but do not notice any change on the temp gauge. With the 160 the radiator used to push some coolant through the went after filling the radiator one inch below the top. This does not happen with the 180 in it. I switched back to the 160 to check any difference on the gauge but it reads the same. And withe the 160 it pushes coolant out the went to a lower level again. I checked both thermostats by hanging them in a pan of water and heating up while measuring the temps when they started to open. Both stats opened at their correct temperature, maybe the 180 opened a tad more. Can anyone explain why the 160 makes coolant drain? There is no pressure felt inside the upper radiator hose with either of the 'stats.
I was thinking with the correct radiator cap it should run some pressure?