Originally Posted by dart4forte
Had an appointment with the cardiologist yesterday. She went over the details of the intervention that took place. I was 95% blocked in the two main arteries that feeds blood to the heart. The LAD (widow maker) was treated first given this is the major blood supply to the heart. I received two stents. I had to wait until the next day for the second artery to be addressed. That artery received 3 stents. She said the plac in both arteries were mushy and didn’t appear to be near calcifying. Calcification means the arteries are hardening from the plac which puts me near having bypass means bypass. In my case bypass is not an option at this time.

I should note that I had another artery that was blocked 20-50 percent which at this time will be treated with drugs. As of now I’m scheduled for further test that will address the arteries in the legs and arms. Also, the heart appears to be undamaged.

That's good to see. My deal was similar, widow maker blocked really bad (98%), had so much thinner pumped into me, they couldn't do the second artery. Had to go back in a few days later. Always a great feeling when the doc is performing the first procedure telling me that it's good you came in tonight, you wouldn't have made it to morning. DOH!

Body is amazing that heart blood flow can be so compromised for long periods of time via blockage and still function. I know I was having signs that something was up, mostly just running out of gas when doing any strenuous activities. Chalked up the stamina issue to getting old, not a good approach.

Get healed up!

Last edited by crackedback; 05/01/24 11:28 PM.