after rasslin' around a couple of tires last evening, i think i've finally come to the conclusion this old guy is almost too wimpy anymore to use my manual tire machine i designed and built 40+ years ago............
i have changed thousands of tires over the years, and have never broken anything on the machine, or any aluminum wheel using it.
my old body just doesn't have the a$$ i used to, and after last evening, i'm still worn out.
as i still insist on changing my own tires so i have complete control over not boogering up the tire or the wheel [or both], what should i look for [new or used, preferably used because i don't have a huge income or budget to work with] that is "friendly" to both tire and wheel, plus being able to work with up to 15" wide wheels ?
a big TIA to those way smarter than i am on these things. bow