The tune in the OP is still in rotation in some areas, aka "markets".
There are SO many bands that "nobody's ever heard of": back in the '80s-'90s, dozens of them in the SoCal area alone.
The Punk movement opened the floodgates for a lot of music, then the post-punk & several other genres that overlapped.
I still have many LPs, demo tapes, and CDs from some very clever and intriguing bands from that time.
It was a great time to be cruising and/or playing, and there were small college radio stations that played great stuff.
Nearly all those bands fell apart or wore themselves out trying to make it.
The record companies turned from finding & promoting new music to ensuring their big-ticket & easy-listening pablum was inescapable.
Some old friends are still tilting at that windmill, and a few migrated to doing soundtrack work & such.