Originally Posted by DaveRS23
Details please, details. I would post from a PC, too. up

First I click on the pics to get the bigger version, then I right click on them to open it in its own tab. From there, I right click on the pic and choose 'save as' to save them on my computer (either under the download file or a specially created file). I don't leave the pics on my computer forever, just a few months or whatever, then I go thru and clean house. Once you have the pics saved, use the attachment manager to choose up to 4 pics to post. The pics show up after you submit the response, so don't wig-out if you don't see them at first.

The text from the ad is just a matter of copy and paste. I usually have to edit it to tighten things up as it usually pastes as one long sentence. Not mandatory, just easier to look at a tight paragraph than a long line. Adding bold or italic is just a matter of highlighting a word (or sentence or paragraph) and clicking on bold or italic and it will automatically be added.

If pics are too big or have a lot of background crap, just use the snipping tool on the pic when you open it in its own tab, then go thru the 'save as' process.

After a few posts, it becomes second nature.

Hope this made sense.


The dream is dead, long live the dream.......😥