There's always that one person ...

nylon cover will turn into a solid ball in dryer, play it safe air dry

Bought the cover around 1989. Wash it at least twice a year and almost always toss it in the dryer. And its on the car right now !!!

Nylon 6 fibers are tough, possessing high tensile strength, elasticity, and luster. The fibers can absorb up to 2.4% of water, although this lowers tensile strength. The glass transition temperature of nylon 6 is 47 °C. Nylon 6 is generally white as a synthetic fiber but can be dyed in a solution bath before production for different color results. The tenacity of nylon 6 is 6–8.5 gf/D with a density of 1.14 g/cm3. Its melting point is 215 °C and can protect heat up to 150 °C on average.
The applications of nylon 6 include construction material in many industries, including the automotive industry, electronic and electrotechnical industry, aircraft industry, clothing industry, and medicine.

215*C is 419*F ... you roast a turkey at a lower temp than that !!!