340SIX, everyone...

Originally Posted by 340SIX
Factory Centerline Auto Drags brush and polished did not come clear coated.
Not to say someone has not at a later date...

Thanks for the great feedback everyone.

So here is where things stand right now:

1) I've attached a pic of my current wheels, where in a side-by-side look you see the DIY clean-up effort of a hazed finish, but that was done with an aluminum polish paste, and yeah, took some elbow grease, but easily doable at home b/c the finish of the wheel was already there and just needed to be brought back

2) The second attachment is the eBay wheel, Satin Brushed and it is the texture of the wheel which has me worried, totally different ballgame which per 340SIX's comment will require a step-wise move from coarser to finer grit

Alright, so having said that all: the seller (who is a wheel shop, see Wheel and Tire Pros) when asked about matching the finish to what I currently have said: "yup, easily done, we can do that for $95 a wheel", which truth be told, seems very rasonable.

But I need a bit of reality check here: those of you who have done this kind of work, is the shop's estimate legit, or is this a "tell the buyer what he wants to hear" kind of a thing???
