What I have noticed is that the fast food places have done one of three things in this economy.

They have either 1. reduced the size of the food and kept price low 2. made the prices higher but kept the items the same or 3. made the items both smaller and more expensive.

Most places have opted for # 3 but our taco bells have opted for #2 It used to be at taco bell 2 items was about $5 or $6 but now they are $10 or $12. At least they are the same size as always.

Our McDonalds have opted for #3 Burgers that rival the size of a chicken nugget and cost twice as much as they used to.

I think food price vs size has a lot to do with company owned chain or franchises.

I rarely eat at a drive through anymore. I can afford a full meal at some sit down restaurants for many fast food combo's.

Just not worth it to me.