Originally Posted by Jer
Maybe the seller does have a more altruistic intent. I'm not defending him as I don't know him, he may actually want $10,000 for it. OR.... it's on FBM, which needs a price, and we've all seen ads for items for $1, or $123,456 or whatever. IF the seller really does have a reasonable price in mind, say $500 or $1000 or whatever, he isn't going to list that price because he'd have a hundred phone calls from other guys looking to buy it and track down the current owner and sell if for far more. At $10k, it cuts out all the BS.

Have you SOLD anything on FBM lately? I've listed several vehicles in the last year, and within hours of the post hitting, I start getting the stupid offers of 30-50% of the asking price. And they always say "CASH!!!", like I'm going to sell you the truck I listed for $15k for $5k AND take a check? I swear I'm going to tell the next one "Yes, come and get it", then send him on a wild goose chase.