Several years ago you there was an old post on Westinghouse Headlamps and I was hoping to get an opinion on the 4001 and 4002 Westinghouse bulbs I just bough that came in a green Westinghouse box.

My questions is are the ones I have considered wide or narrow flute. If you compare mine to the narrow and wide flute pics that were in the previous post, mine kind of look like a cross between the two. This may be a trivial question but I am trying to make sure I have the correct ones for my vehicle, a 70 Charger.

Also do you know if there is any difference between the Westinghouse bulbs in the all Blue box vs the ones that came in the all green box

I have attached a link to the previous post as well as pics of my bulbs.

Thank you for any help you can give me.

Rob L.


