This RR popped up on my feed yesterday, kinda like a car wreck, you can't help but look...

Originally Posted by not_a_charger
The next time someone does a good job building a car into a 4x4 will be the first time someone does a good job building a car into a 4x4.

There was a late-70's Corvette dropped onto a Bronco (YES, Bronco, with a 302) frame for sale for a couple grand probably 5 years ago. Pretty sure it was built by a guy learning how to weld when he was drunk, pure hack job. I joked with my wife that we should buy it just to go to all of the "Corvette ONLY" shows and events just to see the TACOs (Typical A$^@(!e Corvette Owners) heads explode. This might be the Corvette guy's way to get into a MOPAR show...