Originally Posted by GY3
Originally Posted by GomangoCuda
I tried pretty much everything short of inviting one of the neighborhood cats inside.

Cats can be very effective and fun to watch. Years ago we had a small 7 pound dachshund that was even better at killing rodents. He could kill a rat half his size in about two seconds. He didn't play with them like a cat does. We called him Rat Slayer.

I was watching one of the dog shows the other day and they were talking about how they were originally bred for that!

A good friend and his wife always had Dachshunds and told me they were originally bread for the purpose of going down into groundhog holes on farm fields to kill and drag them out or to drag them out and kill them. When horses were the primary means of farming the horses would step into the groundhog holes and either break their leg or get injured and most times had to be put down. My friends would have a bunch of large diameter PVC tubing either indoor or outdoor from when they were puppies till they were old and they loved to crawl and "run" through all day. I should get one or two to take care of the 10 or so groundhog holes on the surrounding property. I've stepped into the holes too many times and even gone down mad The John Deere mower has been stuck in one or two of the holes a few times too. Dachhounds are great "Ratters". Snap traps and peanut butter has been the most effective for getting mice in the late fall and early winter as they move inside our 160+ year old farm house. Plus, two great cats a mom and daughter.