I've had a couple of experiences. I was driving a friend's newer Ford 150 Platinum something or another with the cruise set. A semi passed me and pulled over in front and it felt like the brakes came on. I pushed on the gas , but it still wouldn't speed up. I shut the cruise off, and all was well. When I told him about it, he said it was a safety feature. He didn't like it anymore than I did. The other, my daughter had a newer Durango. I took it to the gas station. When I got ojut to pump the gas, I needed to pull up a little. I sat down in it with my leg hanging out the door, put it in drive and it wouldn't move. I was able to discover online that the door had to be shut to move the car. I'm afraid all this stuff might be too safe for me. Especially when it quits working in a year or two.