Originally Posted by IMGTX
I am not a trucker in those big rigs but he seemed to be going way to far without shedding any speed..
The brakes should have worked on some level unless the pedal fell off and if that happened why didn't he downshift? Let off the gas? Etc?
Something seems fishy like he had no idea what he was doing or was doing it on purpose.

I'm no expert by any means either, but as we mentioned before - air brake vehicles kinda work the opposite way hydraulic brakes work. When an Air brake vehicle LOSES it's air supply, the brakes APPLY full force. It's called "Dynamiting". So, unless the actual braking material on the shoes was down to nothing, the idea is that the truck will slow down and/or stop. Worst case, the wheels lock up but that rarely happens. Either way, the truck would stop. I don't see any smoke billowing out from the brakes, so he obviously didn't cook off all his pad material.

There are enough inconsistencies in this situation to fill a warehouse.

It's flat land, the truck was NOT decelerating, the brakes weren't smoking, if he'd lost air - the brakes would've dynamited.... only the most ignorant among us would think there aren't redundant systems already in place to mitigate this kind of situation.

Bloody Mary, Full of Vodka, Blessed art thou among cocktails....