Originally Posted by A727Tflite
Originally Posted by moparx
Originally Posted by A727Tflite
Is there a standard for how far forward of the spindle you check toe?

that will depend on the tire diameter.
i suppose 13 or 14" would be a happy medium ? [26-28" tire diameter] shruggy

Well, I don’t recall a toe in spec difference between wheel diameters. And next question, when using aftermarket tools without wheels.

Of course I am talking about when inches are mentioned and not degrees.

you are correct about the toe in being the same between wheel diameters, however, if you start out with 13" wheels with 1/8" toe in, then switch to 20" wheels without resetting the toe, you will instantly see the toe in is severe.
just the math difference in the diameter of the wheels putting them closer together in the front.
that was why i just suggested a figure out of the air, because i don't know what you are choosing for tire/wheel combination, and you are [i think] working with a bare rotor, setting the toe from it.