My mom was at that point a year ago. The last time she "went for a ride" she got lost, we were lucky enough to find her unharmed. We have told her we were concerned that she might get into an accident and hurt someone. We have told her she can't drive anymore. We have taken away her keys, they are in my possession.

Once a month I will took her for a little ride, it didn't take long before she has no idea where she was or how she would get home, just getting off her street confused her. I told her that when she can tell me how she would get home, I would consider letting her drive, but only if I was with her, but I'm not going to let her have the car keys. We haven't been at that point again for at least 3 months.

Man up. Take her keys away. Explain to her why.

Now we are at the point where she can no longer stay at her home alone. 6 months ago she fell and shattered the bone in her leg. We had gotten her one of the "I've fallen" bracelets a few months before, but she forgot she had it on her wrist, she laid on the floor for around 4 hours before my sister found her. The bone has healed, but she had to go through rehab, and the rehab care unit would not let her go home alone (fear of her falling again). Having someone there with her 24 hours a day costs $25 grand a month. None of us can afford that. She is currently staying at an extended care unit (the best one in the area), but she wants to return home (she has lived there 54 years, dad & her had the house built). We let her go home one night (about a month ago), and she was ready to return to the extended care unit again early the next morning. Now she wants to go home again.

This stuff is hard. At least my 2 sisters and I are all on the same page when it comes to mon's care.