I notice in the April 04 issue you say that DOT 5 brake fluid can be used without flushing the system. Everything I have heard and read states that Dot 5 does not mix with anything except DOT 5. When switching to DOT 5 are you not supposed to use new rubber?


Another old wive's (or Mopar Muscle) tale. First, realize that DOT specs don't specify the composition of the fluid, the rating relates only to the boiling point. So, therefore, it would be possible to have DOT 3 fluid that's silicone, and DOT 5 that's not (and this latter combination does exist.) These specs are covered in detail in Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard section number 571.116, which is part of the Code of Federal Regulations, #49, Chapter V, see for yourself at:

Code of Federal Regulations, #49, Chapter V
Here's an excerpt from the law on boiling points:

Equilibrium reflu point (ERBP). When brake fluid is tested according to S6.1, the ERBP shall not be less than the following value for the grade indicated:

(a) DOT 3: 205 ̊C. (401 ̊F.).

(b) DOT 4: 230 ̊C. (446 ̊F.).

(c) DOT 5: 260 ̊C. (500 ̊F.).

A recent change to the law specifies that non-silicone fluid meeting DOT 5 temperature specs. be labeled DOT 5.1. All DOT 5 fluid must be purple in color, all other grades must be clear to amber.

The baziilion pages of the specs relate mostly to boiling points, viscosity, and the fluid's effects on rubber (swelling), as well as testing procedures. But there's also much written about compatibility. What has probably caused the confusion is that DOT 5 fluids are tested differently than other types, but these tests apply equally to silicone and non-silicone fluids. Subchapter S6.5.4 addresses miscibilty, specifying that the fluid being tested must mix with a standard type fluid, and this miscibilty test DOES apply to DOT 5 fluids, and can't gel, swll cups, etc. when mixed. So there!

The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) also has detailed specs: J1703 and J1705.

It's true that much has be written saying that silicone based fluids cannot or should no be mixed with other types, this is that old myth-perpetuating deal. Nowhere can I find a scientific study or analysis to back this story up - do a Google search yourself if you don't trust me.. There's only been two studies on this that I'm aware of: Dow-Corning, the leader in silicone brake fluids (possibly the only true USA manufacturer), did a detailed study almost 30 years ago, wherein a system was haphazardly swapped from DOT 3 to silicone, with the intent of leaving a significant portion of the fluid UNchanged. The system passed all DOT tests easily. The second test is less scientific, but, to me, more significant: Yours truly has been using DOT 5 silicone in every car I've owned or serviced since approx. 1978. I have never flushed a system! I have, in some cases, bled out most of the old stuff, in other cases, I've just topped up a DOT 3-filled system with silicone. Cars serviced by me in this fashion have stopped will from speeds over 160 MPH. I've never had a stuck caliper (or wheel cylinder) pistion since making this change universal in my fleet - even in cars stored for long periods. I've also never damaged pain from a brake fluid spill. Come to my garage - you will find 4 or 5 bottles of DOT 5 silicone, and zero of DOT 3 or 4.

On your Dart, do what I do (and say): bleed out as much of the old garbage as you can, until you see purple at each bleeder screw. And don't worry about it!

End of story.

Rick Ehrenberg

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